Online psychic readings and better being guidance

Angelina ✨

Angelina ✨

Psychic Medium and Tarologist


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Welcome! My name is Angelina and I have ten years' experience with tarology, cafeomancy, palmistry and past life readings both online and in person.Besides all oracles, I work with a Radionic Table that is a tool that provides the possibility of all kind healing. Unlock emotional and spiritual blocks. Clear and harmonize chakras, active prosperity and helps with all issues in all matters of life such as relationship, career, financial and others.Let me assist you, no matter how hard the scenarios are, I can surely help you to find a way out.

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Angelina's Background

Psychic Medium and Tarologist - 17 Years of Experience

Welcome! My name is Angelina and I have ten years' experience with tarology, cafeomancy, palmistry and past life readings both online and in person.

Besides all oracles, I work with a Radionic Table that is a tool that provides the possibility of all kind healing. Unlock emotional and spiritual blocks. Clear and harmonize chakras, active prosperity and helps with all issues in all matters of life such as relationship, career, financial and others.

Let me assist you, no matter how hard the scenarios are, I can surely help you to find a way out.


I have 10 years of experience, officially, but since childhood, I've developed and had contact with my gifts.


Crystal Therapist, Dowser, Apometra, Past Life Therapist, Coffeomancy (coffee sludge reading) Palmistry (hand-reading) Tarotologist and oraculist.


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